Montée de Tonnerre

Montée de Tonnerre

ORIGIN: This climat is situated alongside the former Roman road that links the town of Auxerre with the town of Tonnerre. At this place, the road climbed the hillside up towards the plateau in the direction of Tonnerre. As an extension of the Grands Crus, this is the...
Mont de Milieu

Mont de Milieu

ORIGIN: The name ‘Mont de Milieu’ makes reference to the defining characteristic of this hillside which previously marked a boundary between two points. On one side was the Chablis constituency (an area across which a Lord or town had the right to jurisdiction), at...
Les Vaillons

Les Vaillons

ORIGIN: Vaillons is derived from the term ‘vallon’, meaning ‘small valley’. The term ‘valson’ was also used previously. ‘Vaillons’ originates from the Latin vallis or valles meaning an ‘elongated area between two raised zones’.VARIETIES: 100% Chardonnay.VINIFICATION:...


ORIGIN: The origins of the name are not clear. It is probably derived from ‘la vallée de tous les désirs’ meaning ‘the valley of all desires’, eagerly awaited by wine lovers and winemakers each year. Whatever the case, it is certainly a very beautiful name for a wine...


ORIGIN: The name of this parcel has two possible origins. It could be derived from the ‘Vallée aux Meures’, with meures meaning ‘blackberries’ in ancient French. Brambles, or blackberry bushes, previously grew in this area. A second theory suggests that the name...